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Chicomm Blog

Between supply chain delays, labor shortages, and adapting to a more virtual-based work environment, 2022 was a challenging year for businesses and organizations, ranging from manufacturing to healthcare to hospitality. With all that going, you may well have missed a few Chicago Communications blogs, including reader favorites looking at video surveillance, commercial radio systems, avoiding battery issues, and tips for pairing your two-way radio with a Bluetooth headset.

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The case for investing in a mobile command center (MCC) for police departments and other public safety agencies is strong – they’re easily customizable, can be as high-tech as you need them to be, and they’re appropriate for a wide variety of use cases. 

With the proper mobile command center, police officers and first responders have the ability to host all of their necessary functions in a single area, all while being able to move throughout their community as needed.

As public safety technology and 911 Communications continue to evolve, the benefits for investing in a mobile command center are as compelling as ever.

Tags: Public Safety Communications

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Are there areas in your buildings that are dead zones for communication?

Do you have multiple buildings or campuses to communicate between?

Do your old radios or phone system give out on you just when you need them the most?

Tags: Two Way Radios, Digital Two-Way Radios

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Healthcare facilities are busy, complicated environments. One of the biggest challenges is knowing who’s entering and exiting. Clinics and hospitals have many points of entry, like delivery areas, emergency, and possible places for maintenance and staff to leave the building. With all this activity, how do healthcare facilities monitor who’s coming and going in order to keep patients and staff safe?

Tags: Healthcare

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Evolution of Two-Way Radio Communication

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Tuesday, November 8, 2022

To fully appreciate how far two-way radio communication has come, it's fascinating to take a look at where it started. From the initial discovery of “wireless waves” in 1886 to today’s technology that can turn any mobile device or computer into a radio, it’s been a long, winding, and increasingly sophisticated road.

And it all starts with German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, who didn’t think his wireless discovery would go anywhere.

Here's a brief history lesson into the evolution of two-way radios.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Motorola Solutions, History

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When people talk about the emergency response system of tomorrow, the predictions are breathtaking: firefighting drones, human-operated robots, real-time 3-D simulations, and more.

Some of that may sound like science fiction—especially given the budgetary and resource concerns facing public safety organizations. But there are sound emergency communications investments that departments can make today to prepare for tomorrow.

Let’s take a look at ways that public safety organizations can prepare for the emergency response system of the future.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Next Generation Public Safety, Safety Solutions

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Does your staff spend too much time watching video surveillance footage? Do they have a hard time spotting safety issues? In some cases, security footage can be so cumbersome and overwhelming that no one reviews it on a regular basis, leaving an organization blind to threats or abnormal behavior. 

If you answered “yes,” it may be time to update your video surveillance system.

Tags: Video Surveillance, Safety Reimagined

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Understandably, much of the focus on school safety involves what happens to students when they’re on campus, but what about school bus safety? Among the tools for keeping millions of students, coaches, teachers, and drivers safe on buses every day, two-way radios are at the top of the list.

For a variety of reasons, two-way radios are an ideal communications solution for school safety in general, and transportation in particular.

Let’s look at ways to enhance school bus safety with two-way radios.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Education

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Slow or spotty WiFi can affect your business’s operations, safety, and appeal. Dreaded “dead zones” of weakened connectivity or holes in your coverage area can make it difficult to communicate, get work done, and bring people together.

Fortunately, a WiFi extender or repeater can be easily installed to eliminate these dead zones and improve connectivity.

Tags: Wireless Communication

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Communication equipment needs to assist us, not complicate our lives.

One of the worst situations to be in is to walk into a high-stakes situation only to learn that your radio isn’t getting a signal. 

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