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Chicomm Blog

In a world where effective communication technology is critical to operational success and safety, finding the right communications partner to help you enhance connectivity across your organization is key.

You might think of us as just a two-way radio provider, but Chicago Communications is so much more. We're a comprehensive provider of advanced communication solutions designed to meet your organization's unique needs. We’re here to boost your connectivity and keep you safe, regardless of industry. 

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications, Radio System

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In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, effective communication is key. Two-way radio systems provide a robust solution for instant communication across various industries. Let's delve into the world of two-way radio systems, exploring their types and specific applications.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications, Radio System

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Understanding the intricacies of your Motorola two-way radio battery is key to ensuring its longevity and optimal performance. Whether you're a first responder, work in the security sector, or rely on two-way radios for daily operations in challenging environments, knowing how to read and interpret the information your radio battery offers can save you time and ensure you're always in communication when it matters most. 

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions, FAQ, Two Way Radio Accessories

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Lithium-ion batteries are the power source for many of our most essential tools: cell phones, iPads, power tools, and—my favorite piece of equipment—two-way radios.

With a little bit of care and planning, you can optimize the life of your batteries. 

Taking a proactive approach to battery care ensures that your devices are always ready for use and helps you make the most of your investment. Remember, a little care and planning can go a long way in optimizing the performance and longevity of your lithium-ion batteries.

Here are some tips for keeping your batteries in tip-top shape.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Wireless Communication, Digital Two-Way Radios, Maintenance/Installation/Service

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School violence is a major problem that needs to be approached from many angles. At Chicago Communications, we focus on communications technology to help educators, staff, and leaders prepare for the worst and stay in touch in an emergency.

We are interested in the big picture—the infrastructure that can help protect the lives and education of our children. How can we keep our schools safer in 2024?

Tags: Two Way Radios, Education

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Regarding supply chain issues, the global pandemic is not finished wreaking havoc.

But despite continued backlogs, we’re hopeful that 2024 might be a little better when it comes to delivering the products our customers order.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications

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For years, radio users had their own language - 10 codes. The lingo filtered into popular culture, and even folks who didn’t use two-way radios would say “10-4” to mean “affirmative.”

Despite their continued use in some industries and law enforcement, codes and other jargon terms are being abandoned in favor of what is called “plain language.” 

As early as 2006, the National Incident Management System (NIMS) ALERT wrote: “While the NIMS Integration Center does not require plain language for internal operations, it strongly encourages it, as it is important to practice everyday terminology and procedures that will need to be used in emergency incidents and disasters. NIMS implementation is long-term, and persuading everyone to change ingrained habits overnight is probably impossible. But we do hope that over time, everyone will understand the importance of using common terminology, that is, plain language, every day.” 

What are these “ingrained habits,” and how important are they in today’s two-way radio communication?

Tags: Two Way Radios, Public Safety Communications

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Two-Way Radio Repair Made Easy

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Over time, even the best communications technology stops working as well as you’d like. Luckily, less-than-optimal functionality from a two-way radio doesn’t mean it needs to be replaced. Repairs are common and can be necessary for a range of reasons.

Here is a quick guide to understanding what steps to take to identify what needs fixing and get the repairs done quickly.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Two Way Radio Accessories, Technology, Customer Service, Digital Two-Way Radios, Maintenance/Installation/Service

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Two-way radio, walkie-talkie, portable radio, transceiver—whatever you call it, you likely know what it does. At its simplest, a two-way radio is a device that can both send and receive communications via radio waves. They are ideal for use in most work environments: warehouses, factories, schools, and hospitals, as well as for emergency first responders and truck drivers on the move.

Beyond that, two-way radios have a wide range of features. These days, they’re more like computers, with different software and features that can be adapted to your needs. If you want to understand the basics of two-way radios better or are exploring communication options for your team, here's an overview of two-way radios.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Digital Two-Way Radios

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Is It Time for a Communications System Upgrade?

Posted by Mike Wierzba on Thursday, August 10, 2023

When a company grows, its radio equipment needs to grow along with it. Over time, coverage may become spotty, or there simply aren’t enough devices to go around. This likely doesn’t mean the whole system needs an overhaul; instead, it’s a time to reevaluate your radios’ current setup and use, as well as your future goals.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions, Wireless Communication, Radio System, Technology

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