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Chicomm Blog

In today’s world, where technology moves quickly, your business needs the best tools to stay safe and run smoothly. Safety and security systems are crucial for spotting issues, keeping everyone connected, and responding quickly to any problems. Unfortunately, many businesses struggle with old, disjointed systems that don’t work well together. This outdated approach can slow you down, cut into your productivity, and, most importantly, put your people and property at risk.

Tags: Chicago Communications, Public Safety Communications, Motorola Solutions, Wireless Communication, Radio System, Technology, Safety Solutions, Safety Reimagined

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Understanding the intricacies of your Motorola two-way radio battery is key to ensuring its longevity and optimal performance. Whether you're a first responder, work in the security sector, or rely on two-way radios for daily operations in challenging environments, knowing how to read and interpret the information your radio battery offers can save you time and ensure you're always in communication when it matters most. 

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions, FAQ, Two Way Radio Accessories

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If there’s one thing we know about incidents of violence or destruction, it’s that they happen quickly, and human eyes and memories can be unreliable. 

This is where the need for an unbiased observer becomes key, particularly for security and police forces tasked with maintaining public safety and order

In recent years, body-worn cameras have emerged as a solution to this challenge. These devices serve as impartial witnesses, capable of capturing continuous, objective video footage of events as they occur.

Motorola’s VB400 body camera is a notable example of this technology in action. The device captures high-quality images and is becoming necessary for security teams and small to mid-sized police departments.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Motorola Solutions, Safety Solutions

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3 Essential Communication Software Platforms

Posted by Cathy Kulnig-Dastice on Wednesday, February 14, 2024

What is the role of communications software?

Communication software is the essential link that integrates various communication technologies, enabling them to function according to our needs.

Software alone will not solve all your communications challenges, but many of your vital products, including two-way radios, will work best when connected with a software package.

Tags: Motorola Solutions, Radio System, Technology, MOTOTRBO, Digital Two-Way Radios

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This season’s sleek accessory also happens to be one of the most revolutionary tech innovations: the TLK 25 is a body-worn device that is helping leaders in hospitality, retail, healthcare, and education stay connected and secure.

Tags: Motorola Solutions, Wireless Communication, MOTOTRBO, Hospitality, Education, Safety Solutions, Healthcare

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A dispatch console is becoming an essential tool for anyone who wants to ensure that customers, workers, and the public are all connected and protected.

What are the functions of dispatch consoles, and what are the benefits of using this technology?

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Motorola Solutions, Safety Solutions

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When shopping for communication technology, like two-way radios or security cameras, you have many options for where to purchase. The decision isn’t easy and is a long-term investment in the safety of schools, workplaces, and communities.

ChiComm understands that you’re often working on a tight budget or timeline. Although buying online may save you money and time, it will cost you more in the long run.

Tags: Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions

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Is It Time for a Communications System Upgrade?

Posted by Mike Wierzba on Thursday, August 10, 2023

When a company grows, its radio equipment needs to grow along with it. Over time, coverage may become spotty, or there simply aren’t enough devices to go around. This likely doesn’t mean the whole system needs an overhaul; instead, it’s a time to reevaluate your radios’ current setup and use, as well as your future goals.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions, Wireless Communication, Radio System, Technology

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Between stretched budgets and supply chain delays, purchasing the cheapest, most quickly available communications technology you can find is tempting. But when you find unbelievable prices and shipping timelines, there’s probably a reason it seems too good to be true. In many cases, it means you’re receiving old, faulty equipment without any warranty. 

Working with established, reputable suppliers is important whether you’re getting new or aftermarket products. One way to be sure your investment won’t end up costing more in the long run is to purchase authorized Motorola products. Here’s why:

Tags: Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions

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School communication systems have come a long way from backpack notes and early-morning news broadcasts announcing snow days. Parents and caregivers expect to hear from schools quickly and conveniently about everything from their student’s grades to district-wide announcements. 

This is especially true when it comes to safety: families and school employees alike want the most reliable, fast, and intuitive communications solutions to be a core element of their school or district’s emergency response plan. 

Tags: Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions, Safety Solutions

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