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Government Grants and Other Funding Resources

government grants


How can you find funding opportunities that apply to your needs? Click on the industry links below, and you'll find a simple summary of the grant requirements. You’ll also find application deadlines, webinars and presentation materials that further explain the opportunity, and case studies about how other users like you have used wireless solutions to improve their performance.

In The Spotlight

How To Prepare A Successful Grant Application

Unsure of how to prepare a grant application?

This guide provides useful preparation practices for anyone seeking additional grant support including:

  • Strategic planning
  • Researching grants
  • Submitting and tracking your application
  • And much more

Download the Grants Guide


Available Government Grant Assistance Programs

Healthcare Grants

Healthcare grants are available to help your local critical medical infrastructure conduct safe and efficient operations in emergencies and patient surge scenarios.

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Fire & Emergency Medical Services Grants

Grant programs are available to help fire and emergency services professionals stay on top of the technology changes.

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Police & Law Enforcement Grants

Grant programs for police and law enforcement are available to upgrade communications technology to keep your communities and officers safe.

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Port Security & Transportation Grants

Port security grant programs are available to the transportation and port security industry to help keep communities productive, cleaner and safely on the move.

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Education Government Grants

Access the technology your school needs to keep everyone safe. Leverage a private network to ensure learning extends on and off campus.

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