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Chicomm Blog

In today’s world, where technology moves quickly, your business needs the best tools to stay safe and run smoothly. Safety and security systems are crucial for spotting issues, keeping everyone connected, and responding quickly to any problems. Unfortunately, many businesses struggle with old, disjointed systems that don’t work well together. This outdated approach can slow you down, cut into your productivity, and, most importantly, put your people and property at risk.

Tags: Chicago Communications, Public Safety Communications, Motorola Solutions, Wireless Communication, Radio System, Technology, Safety Solutions, Safety Reimagined

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If there’s one thing we know about incidents of violence or destruction, it’s that they happen quickly, and human eyes and memories can be unreliable. 

This is where the need for an unbiased observer becomes key, particularly for security and police forces tasked with maintaining public safety and order

In recent years, body-worn cameras have emerged as a solution to this challenge. These devices serve as impartial witnesses, capable of capturing continuous, objective video footage of events as they occur.

Motorola’s VB400 body camera is a notable example of this technology in action. The device captures high-quality images and is becoming necessary for security teams and small to mid-sized police departments.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Motorola Solutions, Safety Solutions

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This season’s sleek accessory also happens to be one of the most revolutionary tech innovations: the TLK 25 is a body-worn device that is helping leaders in hospitality, retail, healthcare, and education stay connected and secure.

Tags: Motorola Solutions, Wireless Communication, MOTOTRBO, Hospitality, Education, Safety Solutions, Healthcare

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A dispatch console is becoming an essential tool for anyone who wants to ensure that customers, workers, and the public are all connected and protected.

What are the functions of dispatch consoles, and what are the benefits of using this technology?

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Motorola Solutions, Safety Solutions

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School communication systems have come a long way from backpack notes and early-morning news broadcasts announcing snow days. Parents and caregivers expect to hear from schools quickly and conveniently about everything from their student’s grades to district-wide announcements. 

This is especially true when it comes to safety: families and school employees alike want the most reliable, fast, and intuitive communications solutions to be a core element of their school or district’s emergency response plan. 

Tags: Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions, Safety Solutions

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It goes without saying that safety is a top-tier concern for businesses and organizations. With new federal and state mandates to have robust and secure commercial safety plans in place, safety has become a renewed priority. Hospitals, schools, industry, and manufacturing are all looking for products and technological solutions to support and service their safety plans.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Safety Solutions, Safety Reimagined

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When people talk about the emergency response system of tomorrow, the predictions are breathtaking: firefighting drones, human-operated robots, real-time 3-D simulations, and more.

Some of that may sound like science fiction—especially given the budgetary and resource concerns facing public safety organizations. But there are sound emergency communications investments that departments can make today to prepare for tomorrow.

Let’s take a look at ways that public safety organizations can prepare for the emergency response system of the future.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Next Generation Public Safety, Safety Solutions

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We all agree that keeping schools safe needs to be a priority for educators, administrators, and communities. 

But not everyone understands or agrees on how to do that. 

In our little corner of the world, we are excited about innovations in school security cameras, one piece of the communications and safety infrastructure that can make life easier for those charged with keeping students safe.

Tags: Safety Solutions, Video Surveillance

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How do you plan for the unimaginable?

An active intruder or shooter enters a school, manufacturing facility, or public safety building.

A tornado, flood, or other weather emergency rips through your town, creating havoc. 

All of these horrific events require a combination of planning and the right technology to make sure that facilities are safe.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Back-Up Plan, Safety Solutions

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In light of the coronavirus pandemic, healthcare facilities of all types and sizes have begun revisiting emergency preparedness plans. Thankfully, hospital management does not need to reinvent the wheel. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers clear guidance on emergency preparedness, including helpful resources for each type of healthcare facility’s contingency plans in the face of public health emergencies.  

Tags: Safety Solutions, Healthcare

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