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Chicomm Blog

School communication systems have come a long way from backpack notes and early-morning news broadcasts announcing snow days. Parents and caregivers expect to hear from schools quickly and conveniently about everything from their student’s grades to district-wide announcements. 

This is especially true when it comes to safety: families and school employees alike want the most reliable, fast, and intuitive communications solutions to be a core element of their school or district’s emergency response plan. 

Tags: Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions, Safety Solutions

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To fully appreciate how far two-way radio communication has come, it's fascinating to take a look at where it started. From the initial discovery of “wireless waves” in 1886 to today’s technology that can turn any mobile device or computer into a radio, it’s been a long, winding, and increasingly sophisticated road.

And it all starts with German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, who didn’t think his wireless discovery would go anywhere.

Here's a brief history lesson into the evolution of two-way radios.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Motorola Solutions, History

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Police departments rely on communication technology to do crucial public safety work. The right equipment functions dependably each day and in many scenarios. There are several communications essentials that give officers the reliable, real-time information they need to do their job responding to incidents and serving their communities. These are the tools a modern, connected police department can’t do without.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Technology

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Two-way radios are a major investment and a necessary one. Whether you use them to keep school security personnel and staff connected, to track the progress of workers in the field from the head office, or to meet any of the many other communications needs of a modern organization, you and your team depend on your radios to do the best possible job.

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We depend on firefighters to do their jobs under the most dangerous conditions imaginable, and firefighters depend on their communication equipment to help them do it. Firefighter radios must perform reliably in all environments and stand up to rough handling in life-or-death scenarios.

When purchasing two-way digital radios to support this critical work, investing in the right product for your department’s needs is essential. Here are some key questions to consider when shopping for the devices that help firefighters keep our communities safe:

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Digital Two-Way Radios

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VB400 Body Camera: Safe, Reliable, and Proven

Posted by Todd Niccum on Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Body cameras for first responders and security personnel are being implemented nationwide and are increasingly becoming legally mandated, even as they remain controversial. 

In Illinois, all law enforcement agents are now required to wear body cams, a law police departments must follow by 2025.

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If you're a transportation manager, you know one unfortunate truth. Accidents happen. More often than not, it’s not the fault of your drivers, but it does cause potential liability, and headaches, especially when it becomes a “their word over yours” situation.

The best thing you can do in those situations is to protect your team and company by making sure that any accidents can be explained with video evidence that can be used to respond to any accusations while protecting your drivers.

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Every year, it seems that the communications needs of companies and organizations evolve. Sure, the general needs are fairly consistent - reliable and secure communication, ensuring the safety of students/guests/patients, etc. - but goals evolve, and so do challenges.

This post is a quick look at four of the most common communications challenges that organizations across the country encounter on a daily basis. These aren’t industry-specific, as they relate on some level to multiple industries. For more information on how your organization can overcome these challenges, you can download our free eBook, the Wireless Communication Survival Guide.

Here are four of the most common communication challenges:

Tags: Two Way Radios, Bi-Directional Amplifiers, Digital Two-Way Radios, Distributed Antenna System

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It goes without saying that safety is a top-tier concern for businesses and organizations. With new federal and state mandates to have robust and secure commercial safety plans in place, safety has become a renewed priority. Hospitals, schools, industry, and manufacturing are all looking for products and technological solutions to support and service their safety plans.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Safety Solutions, Safety Reimagined

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Two-way digital radios provide instant, secure, and high-performing communication that helps increase productivity, improve resolution time, enhance safety, and protect workers. In addition, devices' long life and durability reduce costly repairs and downtime, but they still need servicing and maintenance. 

Tags: Two Way Radios, Radio System, Safety Reimagined

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