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Chicomm Blog

The economy hit many of us hard in 2013, both businesses and individuals alike. So what do you do when you’re in need of updating, or even beginning your two way radio journey when companies need to conserve their working capital? You can’t hinder your ability to effectively communicate in order to meet budget requirements. Chicago Communications offers one possible solution to this problem.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Motorola Solutions, Wireless Communication, Radio System, Leasing

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We thought we’d round up some of the top highlights this week in the Communication world and give them to you in one place. Check out some buzz worthy stories happening in the wireless communication and public safety world!

1) P25 (Project 25) Communication equipment- These are the set of standards used for federal, state, and local police departments set forth by APCO.  It ensures interoperability between these levels in terms of radio communication to enhance timeliness, effectiveness, and coordination during emergencies. Why is this important? FEMA opened applications for Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) on the 18th, which is only available for “the acquisition of P25 compliant equipment.” 

Tags: Two Way Radios, Public Safety Communications, Motorola Solutions, Interoperability, Next Generation Public Safety, GPS

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Turkeys & Two-Way Radios

Posted by Kendra Newlon on Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and in just a few short days the year will also come to an end. But Chicago Communication’s rental department acted as a catalyst for the city of Elmhurst into the holiday season this past November with the 30th Annual Dan Gibbons ‘Turkey Trot’.

Held on Thanksgiving morning, runners of all ages joined at the starting line to raise money to help feed local families who were in need of a meal, not only on thanksgiving but every day; something that we may take for granted on a regular basis.

However, in order to have such a successful long running fundraising event, communication amongst staff and volunteers must be a top priority. Not only does in ensure that all of those involved in the execution of the Turkey Trot are where they are supposed to be, but also keeps runners safe.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions, Wireless Communication, Two Way Radio Accessories, Rental Equipment

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We're Making a List, Better Check It Twice!

Posted by Kendra Newlon on Wednesday, December 18, 2013

It’s crazy to think that in about 2 weeks we will be kissing 2013 goodbye and welcoming in 2014 with open arms. One great thing about the end of the year is all of the sales and specials … even for your two way communication needs!

With so many different deals in place, it’s hard to keep track what will be ending when the clock strikes midnight on the 31st.

Here’s a checklist from Chicago Communications to make sure you get the most out of your communication purchases through 2013!

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications, Public Safety Communications, Motorola Solutions, Wireless Communication, Radio System, MOTOTRBO, Vertex, Maintenance/Installation/Service

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Are you ready for some…MOTOTRBO?!

Posted by Kendra Newlon on Thursday, December 5, 2013

What are the first things you think of when given the slogan ‘Are you ready for some football?!” Many ideas such as food, tailgating, friends and team rivalries are the first to pop into our minds. But what if we didn’t have our Sunday afternoon/nights of football, or what would we have to look forward to on Monday nights after a day at work if the NFL ceased to exist? Fault proof communication is one of the silent, yet very important aspects of running not only a successful game, but a stellar season.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions, Two Way Radio Accessories, Technology, MOTOTRBO, Safety Solutions

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THE CONNECTED RESORT with MotoTrbo Applications

Posted by Kendra Newlon on Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Getting the right information to the right person at the right time can mean the difference between a returning guest and a dissatisfied customer; that’s why guest satisfaction is at the top of the priority list for any organization in the Hospitality sector. Rapid response, attention to detail and well-informed staff are key to ensuring the experience is memorable for all the right reasons.

Hotel staff often uses a variety of disjointed independent communication tools such as cell phones, pagers, WiFi phones, paper work tickets and email to stay on top of customer requests. Large facilities and remote areas result in poor coverage, missed notifications and delayed responses to guest requests when it matters most. Furthermore recurring monthly fees and a constant desire to reduce operational expenses has pushed more and more hotels to explore the benefits of two-way radios.

Guaranteed coverage on a private network, durable portable devices, and integration to current building infrastructure systems and guest management systems via data applications make Motorola’s MOTOTRBO an excellent option for hotels of all sizes.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions, Wireless Communication, MOTOTRBO, Hospitality, Cellular Technology

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Meet Dan Wolski, Technician at ChiComm

Posted by Kendra Newlon on Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Always busy at his work station, Dan Wolski has fixed radios, accessories, televisions, and security equipment for Chicago Communications since 1994.

Originally from the Chicago land area, Dan grew up interested in electronics and their functions after a friend introduced him to radios. He ultimately decided to make it his career. He attended a technical school in Indiana, in the vicinity of Valparaiso College.

Dan’s career in radios began in a small CB store his friend owned, located in Kankakee, IL. There, he would repair all sorts of radios, ranging from small hand held two way radios to entire radio systems installed in vehicles. He decided to then move back up to the Chicago area, where he landed a position within ChiComm.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions, Wireless Communication, Meet our Technicians, Employee Spotlight

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Technical equipment isn't all boring!

Most people in the commercial world have little knowledge of the two way radio industry and how it works. I can relate to this because I used to be on the outside myself. Even just mentioning the word 'two way radio' to me, I would have probably said, "huh?" And there are days I still get asked what kind of company Chicago Communications is; I usually go for the same explanation when I answer. Two way radios are walkie-talkies, but not the ones little kids play with across their backyards or in the neighborhood woods. I'm talking about the professional kind that police officers use to communicate with each other while on duty, in their cars or in pursuit. But  it doesn't stop with police officers. There are many, many more uses for two way radios just like there are many more products and services available from ChiComm. Here are a mere 8 situations radios are used that reminded me just how "cool" it is to be a part of this industry. 

Tags: Chicago Communications, Motorola Solutions, MOTOTRBO

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Nextel's Network has been Decommissioned. What's Next?

A common concern we expect to hear would be: "So now that Nextel has shut down, what do I do with my trucks? The cell phone bills will kill me!!"

For those of you not in the know, Nextel shut down its operations at the end of last month. Sprint will be converting many of the current Nextel users to their Sprint network, while many will be left thinking, “I really don’t want to put cell phones in the hands of my truck drivers!"  So, Now what?!

The answer to that first depends on the coverage required to run your operations. Is it local to a town or County? Is it regional like Chicago? Is it area wide like Chicago and the surrounding collar counties or is it statewide? For all of those answers you have options. As you know you have the Cellular carrier. For those as fortunate you get a cell phone on the Sprint system or another, but your drivers are allowed to communicate ONLY when NOT operating the vehicle.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Motorola Solutions, MOTOTRBO

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Plus the Top 10 Losing Warehouse Strategies And How To Avoid Them    

 There are many types of manufacturing sectors out there, from transportation (airplanes, cars, trains, etc.) to raw materials (steel mills, rubber, etc.), but the two leading factors driving ALL manufacturing companies and warehouses is Productivity and Efficiency. From the warehouse floor to product delivery, workers need access to information in real time to help automate operations and ultimately create a seamless, error-proof work environment.

Because the production line CAN'T stop...reliable communication is critical. Here are a few scenarios where two way radios prove they're valuable place in the warehouse. (Followed by the guide for 'How to Avoid the Top 10 Losing Warehouse Strategies', as promised.)

Scenario #1:

Tags: Motorola Solutions, MOTOTRBO, Manufacturing

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