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Chicomm Blog

When it comes to secure communications, two‑way radios have an edge over cellphones. But hacking is an unfortunate reality in today’s world, as the online world has experienced some high‑level attacks by experienced hackers (Think Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, NASA). Because of these dangers, public safety departments using two‑way radios need to be aware of the dangers of hacking — and learn how to avoid it.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Digital Two-Way Radios

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Two‑way radio communications provide secure digital channels that can increase productivity, improve resolution time and protect workers. Many radio frequencies are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and it is important that the devices comply with FCC rules. 

The FCC requires a GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) license as a way to regulate frequencies that are used by two‑way radio devices. Before operating a GMRS radio, a consumer must have a valid license.

Tags: Two Way Radios, FCC

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Whether you’re upgrading your communications systems for better efficiency and productivity or gathering broken radios to take in for repairs, there’s likely a box of equipment somewhere that needs to be handled. 

Finding the best way to dispose of used communications equipment is a key part of two-way radio maintenance. Old communications equipment can contain potentially hazardous materials like mercury or lead, and need to be disposed of responsibly and safely so they do not harm the environment. That equipment can include a variety of different parts:

Tags: Two Way Radios

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Imagine that your business has decided to use two-way radio communication to keep connected while on site or in the field, but no one has ever used one. Employees may voice their unease with the devices, or even worse, avoid using them altogether. They may not understand the importance of two- way radios as a safety tool for them and end up hurt.

Your investment is well spent only if the radios are used and used properly. If your team isn’t trained, they won’t use the equipment. If they aren’t comfortable using the equipment, the system you put in place won’t work the way it’s designed because employees won’t know how. This creates safety issues and increases risk. That’s why proper training and efficient interdepartmental communication is crucial to your success.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications

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Workers are returning to plants, businesses, schools, and more after months of isolation. But workplaces and workflows look different than before. To comply with local and state guidelines, many organizations have enforced strict social distancing protocols. However, maintaining distance while communicating in fast‑paced environments like assembly lines and hospitals. So, what can your business do to minimize the spread of COVID‑19? How can you keep workers safe and connected during a pandemic?

Tags: Two Way Radios, Digital Two-Way Radios

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Batteries are designed and manufactured to ensure optimum radio performance. Still, battery capacity naturally decreases over time. These tips for caring for your two‑way radio battery are part of an overall plan for two‑way radio maintenance and troubleshooting that can keep your communications clear and reliable going forward.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Two Way Radio Accessories

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New studies show declines in school crime nationwide. While student safety is far from guaranteed, this is positive news when it comes to education, and it may be the result of improved security made possible through communications equipment. Here, we take a closer look at the new statistics and the role of technology.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Education, Safety Solutions

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For many companies, the issue of personal cell phones in the workplace is a matter of addressing work time and productivity. But for others, employee cell phones compromise communications and create extra costs and havoc that affect the bottom line. For these businesses, two-way radios may be a better option. Here we look at things to consider when choosing the right device for your operations.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Cellular Technology

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There are many two-way radios available in the commercial market, and some may sound more attractive than others when it comes to price and performance. Recent court rulings have  underscored the need to clear the air when it comes to evaluating whether “cheap” two-way radios are worth it. Here are three things you should know.

Tags: Two Way Radios

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In our everyday lives, smart phones are powerful instruments, allowing us to connect and communicate just how we need to. But in a professional setting, whether on the plant floor, in the classroom, or during an emergency response, a smart phone is not always enough. Here, we look at whether a smartphone or two-way radio will be more effective for your workforce and operations.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Digital Two-Way Radios

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