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Chicomm Blog

Two-Way Radio Repair Made Easy

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Over time, even the best communications technology stops working as well as you’d like. Luckily, less-than-optimal functionality from a two-way radio doesn’t mean it needs to be replaced. Repairs are common and can be necessary for a range of reasons.

Here is a quick guide to understanding what steps to take to identify what needs fixing and get the repairs done quickly.

Check accessories

One of the best features of two-way radios is their adaptability to the different needs of workplaces and organizations. Customization is often done through accessories. This means it’s possible your radios don’t work due to a simple accessory problem that doesn't require an extensive fix.

1. Check that your batteries are fully charged, that the on switch is on and that the cord is plugged in for every component. Also, try turning your device on and off again. These steps seem obvious, but we’ve all made the simple mistake of forgetting to plug something in and then thinking it’s broken.

2. Make sure your accessories are attached correctly. Batteries should be inserted in the right direction, antennae should be screwed in tightly, and power and connector cords should be plugged in tight. Poorly attached accessories are a common mistake, and checking that first can save a lot of time.

3. Check for compatibility. At ChiComm, we make sure you’re purchasing products and accessories that work together. But if you have products from previous purchases or other sellers, you must check their compatibility.

4. Look through the documentation for radio devices and accessories to check that they’re made to be used together, or check specifications online. Sometimes, battery packs are mismatched between devices, or someone assumes that an old set of headsets will work with an updated model. These mismatches can reduce optimal performance or simply cause a device not to work at all.

5. Inspect your accessories for defects. Maybe an antenna is bent, a battery is no longer holding its charge, or a cord is frayed. In these cases, the part can be replaced without sending in the whole device for repairs.

These steps may lead to fixing the problem. But you may also need more support. It might be that you need help understanding the accessories, but it’s also likely that parts need to be replaced or the radio hardware itself is malfunctioning.

Understand your options

In cases like when the screen is broken on your radio or the volume isn’t adjustable anymore, you can’t fix the two-way radio in-house. At this point, it’s essential to understand what options you have for support. Find any receipts, supporting manuals, and, most importantly, any warranty paperwork from the manufacturer or seller. It may be that these are clear enough for you to identify who to call to help you begin the repair process and how much it will cost.

But often, the right documentation is difficult to find or understand. Just know that you can call ChiComm anytime in the process of identifying and making repairs, whether you’ve worked with us or not.

When you call ChiComm, we walk you through potential problems (including, often, the list above) and ask you to explain the issue. You may need a software update that our tech team can handle. Or we can help you order replacement parts.

It’s also possible you need to send a device directly to the manufacturer, or it’s something we can fix in-house. If it seems like the issue is not caused by the radio, we can arrange a time to come in for a site walk to understand the full communications system and how it’s working.

After the device or devices are inspected by the team, ChiComm gives you an estimated cost of repairs (if a warranty doesn’t cover them) and a timeline for how long it will take for the device to be fixed and returned to you.

While you're waiting

Ideally, your team has backup radios that can be used when some are out for repairs. Or, you have workarounds to make up for their absence. If you bought your two-way radio communication system from ChiComm, we likely discussed this situation at the time of purchase. If you don’t have a plan, aren’t sure what it is, or are in any other way concerned about your devices being out for repair, let us know. We can work with you to identify a solution.

It can be frustrating when a device you rely on isn’t working correctly, but fixing it doesn’t have to be. The steps above will help get your radios back to prime performance. And, of course, if you have any questions at any point in the process, a two-way radio service provider you can trust. Call ChiComm. We’re here to walk you through everything, from fitting an antenna properly to explaining your warranty to sending your device in for repairs.