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Dead Zones Be Gone! Commercial Radio Systems Tie Buildings Together

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Dead-Zones-Be-GoneAre there areas in your buildings that are dead zones for communication?

Do you have multiple buildings or campuses to communicate between?

Do your old radios or phone system give out on you just when you need them the most?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, it may be time to upgrade your commercial radio system. Not being able to communicate between buildings or campuses can impact staff safety, productivity, and the bottom line.

Digital two-way radios provide instant, rugged, secure, and high-performing communication that helps increase productivity, improve resolution time, and protect workers. Mobile radio accessories such as mic extenders make it possible for staff to go outside their buildings and still keep in touch with a central command or other personnel. 

Say Goodbye to Dead Zones

Two-way commercial radio systems have cutting-edge technology that serves each industry in vital ways, including:

1. Safety

  • Emergency call features
  • Coordination with local first responders
  • Backup system in case of landline failure

2. Reliability

  • Ability to overcome dead spots
  • Technology to ensure crystal clear audio even in the noisiest environments
  • Connectivity during emergencies, power outages, and natural disasters when cell phone towers can become overloaded


3. Operational Efficiency

  • Real-time access to information
  • Instant group communication so that workers or staff can be contacted anytime, anywhere
  • Ability to track the location of people, supplies, or deliveries

4. Cost

  • Elimination of monthly usage fees
  • Flexibility to invest cost savings in other critical areas
  • The long life and durability of devices reduce the need for costly repairs and downtime

Connect Your Team Across Buildings or Across State Lines 

If you’re experiencing issues such as dead zones or spotty reception, you know how frustrating poor coverage can be, causing lost productivity and safety concerns. With critical communications, organizations want to make sure all users are getting the same message, so full coverage or as much coverage as possible at your facility is paramount. 

To that end, three technologies are becoming game changers in the fields of education, manufacturing, and healthcare — and together make up an essential communications solution for improving safety and the bottom line.

  1. A Distributed Antenna System (DAS) is a network of antennas placed throughout a building and is used to boost wireless signals, typically in large buildings like campuses, hospitals, hotels, or manufacturing plants.

  2. Add to that a Bidirectional Amplifier (BDA), a device that locates a wireless signal, amplifies it, and then rebroadcasts it throughout your building so you have a speedier and much more reliable connection. It also helps your two-way radios and smartphones to avoid dropped calls and spotty coverage.

  3. With a reliable, amplified signal without any dead zones in place, many organizations want an application to give two-way radios even greater utility and flexibility.  WAVE PTX by Motorola delivers secure push-to-talk (PTT) communications between radio and non-radio users, both within and outside the organization. Administrators and staff using the application can connect on radios, smartphones, tablets, computers, and landlines. Users can have private or group conversations over voice or text.

Seamless Communication in an Emergency

When there’s a deadline, or worse, a safety situation, there’s no time to waste on static or silence on the other end of a cell phone or out-of-date radio. Businesses of all types need to be able to communicate immediately — in the case of, say, an intruder, a safety breach, a chemical spill, or some other kind of emergency. Full coverage without any gaps makes real-time response possible, anywhere in your physical plant. 

Take the case of security camera footage showing someone in a place they shouldn't be. This could be a safety, stealing, or security issue — in any case, you don't want to have to walk over there (if that’s even possible) or make several calls that may or may not go through. In this situation, you want to notify multiple staff, perhaps the police, and possibly close off exits — and at one touch of a button that you can rely on. 

Time Is Money

Manufacturing processes can require immediate modifications, and they may be complicated by production that takes place at various locations. If a machine goes down, an order gets changed, or staff or materials need to be reallocated, there’s little time to make several calls, leave lengthy instructions, or fail to get through because of a dead zone. One-button, dependable, push-to-talk communications are an ideal solution here too. 

The needs are countless for instant, multiparty communications. WavePTX makes it fast and easy to handle situations like:

  • A pothole needs to be fixed in a remote parking area, and cars redirected for safety 

  • Notifying the switchboard, the gate operator, and personnel of an incoming delivery or visitor 

  • A workplace injury requiring medical attention and assembly line modifications

  • An off-site director or manager wanting to make a change affecting multiple departments

Customized and Cost-Effective Solutions 

Shopping for two-way radio service providers isn’t just about the equipment, it’s about the whole communication solution. It’s about choosing an experienced partner for the long haul who understands each client’s unique needs and budget constraints, can tailor custom commercial radio system packages, and be available to troubleshoot and answer questions at a moment’s notice and keep devices in optimal shape for as long as possible.  

To get a free estimate on the best communications solution for business, contact Chicago Communications.