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Chicomm Blog

During a site walk for a pre-proposal meeting with a School District, I noticed the following technologies:
  •       Analog Radio from Motorola
  •       Digital Radio from Motorola
  •       Digital Radio from Hytera
  •       Unlicensed Digital Radios from Motorola

I stopped to think about this. The School District has no money, four incompatible radios and the need to provide safety, maintenance and transportation for students and faculty. The question immediately turned into why didn’t the retailer advise the customer of the problems of purchasing a disparate systems?

Tags: Chicago Communications, Tech Talk, Education

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If you’ve received anything from us lately, or checked out our web site, you may have noticed a slight change with our logo. Instead of just our logo, you now will see that added underneath our logo is the statement, “We create the infrastructure behind mobility.” Why this change? Because we felt those six words pretty much sum up who we are and what we do.  

Tags: Chicago Communications, Wireless Communication, Pointers from the Principals, Bi-Directional Amplifiers

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Have you ever gone to use something at home only to find out it doesn’t work?  And then, when you mention to your family members that it isn’t working they look at you very matter-of-factly and tell you it’s been broken for a while?  Ugh! The frustration!

I had this exact scenario happen to me last year following a very large snowfall we had in Chicago. My husband and son were out of town so I went out to start the snow blower only to find that after several attempts it clearly was not going to start.   When I called my husband and son to ask them what I might be doing wrong while trying to start the snow blower, they of course very matter-of-factly told me it was broken.   As you might imagine, my response to this was not a pleasant one.   I hung up with them and ended up having to shovel the driveway by hand, and just for the record I have a very long driveway covered with about eight inches of very wet snow.   When they finally returned home from their trip I told them that if they just would have told me it was broken I could have fixed it, but if I don’t know it’s broken, I can’t fix it.  

Tags: Chicago Communications, Pointers from the Principals, Customer Service

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Memorial Day is upon us! While this weekend marks a time of beautiful weather, backyard football, delicious food, and time with loved ones, it also serves as a reminder of the tremendous men and women who have served, and continue to serve, our country.  

While we typically enjoy educating you all on radio communications, we wanted to use this platform as an opportunity to share some interesting facts about the start-of-summer holiday, and take time to acknowledge the courageous members of the military in our lives.  

Before that, here are some interesting things about Memorial Day that you may not know!

Tags: Chicago Communications

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Over the past decade, Chicago Communications has taken pride in the fact that we continue to succeed in our mission of being a trusted sales and service provider of innovative communication and information solutions. Ultimately, our goal is to help companies and organizations achieve their mission and improve their operational performance.  

Tags: Chicago Communications, Customer Service

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How ChiComm Got Involved in Snocross

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Chicago Communications, LLC sponsors many different types of events throughout the year. We sponsor runs, festivals, trade show venues, picnics, and believe it or not, snowmobile racing. Yes, snowmobile racing, also known as Snocross.

What is Snocross? Snocross is a sport involving racing specialized high performance snowmobiles on natural or artificially-made tracks consisting of tight turns, banked corners, steep jumps and obstacles. Riders race at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. Now you might be wondering ….. do they actually race in Illinois? While there are tracks all over the country – New York, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Michigan -- the southern-most snocross track in the country is, yes, located in Illinois – Wauconda, Illinois to be exact. Races take place pretty much every weekend from December to March, and as you might expect to coordinate practices and race days takes a village. It also requires two-way radios.

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications, Rental Equipment

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Veterans Day: How They Did Their Share

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Tuesday, November 11, 2014

This veteran's day we'd like to take the time to pause and thank our Veterans! Let's salute and honor those for being American soldiers, Marines, and sailors, and Coast Guard members, and National Guard members — all those who have served and currently still serve our country—for we deeply appreciate the sacrifices they have made in serving to keep our freedom intact.

Tags: Chicago Communications, Employee Spotlight

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ChiComm Celebrates Customer Service Week

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Thursday, October 2, 2014

Update: Learn about our activities for Customer Service Week 2017 here. 

These past few weeks, we have been busily planning and preparing for Customer Service Week, celebrated October 6th – 10th this year. What is Customer Service Week, you ask? In 1992, U.S. Congress proclaimed Customer Service Week a nationally recognized event, to be celebrated annually during the first full week in October. It was designed to be an event devoted to recognizing the importance of customer service, and to honoring the people who serve and support customers with the highest degree of care and professionalism.

Tags: Chicago Communications, National Customer Service Week, Customer Service

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For most people, a vehicle is a very important tool in everyday life. It is a sizeable investment to own a vehicle and it requires regular care to ensure it performs as intended. When you purchase a vehicle, you therefore typically make sure there is a warranty or an extended service plan on the vehicle in order to minimize the impact of potential, expensive repairs during the time in which you own the vehicle. In addition, you sometimes find that when purchasing the vehicle that a preventative maintenance plan is included in the price of the vehicle for services such as regular oil changes, filter changes, tire rotations, and belt replacements. Did you ever wonder why these services would be included in the price of a vehicle or in an extended service plan?

Research has shown that when vehicles have regular preventative maintenance performed on them, they operate more efficiently, generally have fewer large, costly repairs, and experience almost no breakdowns. Since a vehicle for many people is “mission-critical” to their daily lives and or livelihoods, breakdowns cannot be afforded (and you know they ALWAYS happen at the worst possible time), so having some sort of service plan that includes preventative maintenance as part of it is an absolute must. These plans also kind of “force you” to do the preventative maintenance. Reminders are sent out regarding them, and in some cases the warranty or repair coverage is diminished if the proper maintenance is not occurring at the designated points in time.

Tags: Chicago Communications, Maintenance/Installation/Service

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How are you communicating?

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Thursday, July 17, 2014

For as long as I can remember, and it's probably from growing up with a dad who has been in the radio communications business for the past 60 years, I always find myself looking for how businesses, organizations, or volunteers are communicating when I'm out and about. I used to see him do it and now I do it. It has become a force of habit for me now. Are the people in the places I go using radios? (And I of course also look to see if they are Motorola radios.) How are they using them?

Tags: Two Way Radios, Chicago Communications

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