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Chicomm Blog

FirstNet was created in the aftermath of 9/11 to be a force-multiplier for first responders – to give public safety 21st century communication tools to help save lives, solve crimes and keep our communities and emergency responders safe.

FirstNet is a nationwide wireless broadband network for first responders deployed through a public-private partnership between the federal government and AT&T.

FirstNet offers public safety a communications network built to their operational and technical needs — a new Band Class 14 network designed to be reliable, functional, safe and secure, and provide optimal levels of operational capability at all times. In other words, a dedicated ‘fast lane’ for public safety communications. 

First responders across the country – police, fire, EMS – are benefiting from the technological advances of FirstNet, and here’s a closer look at the benefits and possibilities.

Tags: Public Safety Communications

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The case for investing in a mobile command center (MCC) for police departments and other public safety agencies is strong – they’re easily customizable, can be as high-tech as you need them to be, and they’re appropriate for a wide variety of use cases. 

With the proper mobile command center, police officers and first responders have the ability to host all of their necessary functions in a single area, all while being able to move throughout their community as needed.

As public safety technology and 911 Communications continue to evolve, the benefits for investing in a mobile command center are as compelling as ever.

Tags: Public Safety Communications

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When people talk about the emergency response system of tomorrow, the predictions are breathtaking: firefighting drones, human-operated robots, real-time 3-D simulations, and more.

Some of that may sound like science fiction—especially given the budgetary and resource concerns facing public safety organizations. But there are sound emergency communications investments that departments can make today to prepare for tomorrow.

Let’s take a look at ways that public safety organizations can prepare for the emergency response system of the future.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Next Generation Public Safety, Safety Solutions

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If you’re in the market for a new two-way radio solution, you may be feeling overwhelmed by all of the options: Analog vs. digital? Trunked radio system vs. Conventional? Repeater vs. Distributed Antenna System?

Working with trusted two-way radio service providers is ultimately the best way to determine which solution will best meet your needs, and it’s a good idea to go into your conversations with providers with some homework already done.

For now, let’s start with just one of your many options by helping to answer: What’s the difference between a conventional and trunked radio system?

Tags: Two Way Radios, Public Safety Communications

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How do you plan for the unimaginable?

An active intruder or shooter enters a school, manufacturing facility, or public safety building.

A tornado, flood, or other weather emergency rips through your town, creating havoc. 

All of these horrific events require a combination of planning and the right technology to make sure that facilities are safe.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Back-Up Plan, Safety Solutions

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STARCOM21 Pays Off In Increased Public Safety

Posted by Todd Niccum on Tuesday, August 10, 2021

In Illinois, STARCOM21 pays off in increased public safety. STARCOM21 is a radio system that offers reliable high‑speed mobile connectivity to more than 60,000 subscribers in Illinois. In this blog, we’ll discuss the system in more detail, including a case study of how one police department overcame serious safety issues by fixing coverage problems with their STARCOM21 system.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Motorola Solutions, Interoperability

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Body Cameras and Public Safety

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Preparing Your Communications System for Changes in Illinois law

With high‑profile law enforcement cases in the news and a new law requiring Illinois law enforcement departments to utilize officer‑worn body cameras, it’s important to understand the evolving law and how it affects public safety and 911 communications.

Tags: Public Safety Communications

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I see a lot of 911 communications dispatch centers in the course of my work, and some function better than others. When attention is paid to the design and layout of dispatch center furniture, that makes a positive difference in efficiency and comfort.

The furniture and layout of a dispatch center can almost always be improved. There are techniques for arranging dispatch center furniture, two-way radios, monitors, and phone systems to help emergency responders do their jobs.

Tags: Public Safety Communications

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In response to the coronavirus pandemic, many dispatch centers have begun modifying work environments to encourage social distancing. But with a flood of advice from news sources, health experts, and local government, how do you know which modifications to tackle first? And which modifications are most effective without throwing budgets off‑balance?

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Next Generation Public Safety

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For professionals in public safety, the demand for clear, responsive communications is tremendous. To enhance capabilities and give first responders the tools they need to save lives, industry has responded. One example of this is the Motorola APX Next public safety radio, which launched last fall.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Next Generation Public Safety

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