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Chicomm Blog

For public safety officers, effective and high-quality video surveillance and monitoring equipment is no longer a luxury of big-budget departments. It’s a necessity for doing their jobs, keeping people safe, and protecting officer reputations and jobs. To provide public safety officers the best options in the field, Motorola recently acquired WatchGuard Video, an in-car video system for law enforcement officers that provides unparalleled visibility and transparency. The following are several features of WatchGuard Video that make it a key part of a public safety communications strategy.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Next Generation Public Safety, Video Surveillance

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Inspirational Quotes for Public Safety Officers

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Wednesday, September 4, 2019

First responders such as paramedics, police officers, and firefighters risk their own safety every day to ensure our communities are better places to live. All public safety officers play a key role in keeping our communities, campuses, and gathering places safe.

Here we share some of the many inspirational quotes for public safety officers that convey the importance of their work and how they make a positive difference.

To all public safety officers, we hope these quotes demonstrate how much you're valued and keep you inspired in your crucial work!

Tags: Public Safety Communications

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For professionals in manufacturing, hospitality, transportation, public safety and other commercial industries, effective voice communications and broadband capabilities are essential. This often means more than what is available through personal devices or private mobile radios. To meet this demand, Motorola Solutions has introduced Mototrbo Nitro, an end-to-end enterprise communications solution with premium voice capabilities and lightning-fast private broadband data. 

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Product Spotlight

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Efficient, effective communication among first responders, the public, and emergency personnel is crucial in the event of an emergency. Technology is key to ensuring that this communication is accessible and reliable. Here we look at Motorola Command Central and its suite of software applications that can take public safety agencies to the next level to save lives, protect property and safeguard communities.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Safety Solutions

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Computer-aided dispatch (CAD) technology is being used more and more in multiple industries. The following highlights the effectiveness and benefits of the Spillman CAD for public safety, records keeping and more.

Tags: Public Safety Communications

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Since 2018, the Verizon Public Safety Network has offered an effective way to bolster cell phone performance for first responders and other public safety officials. With the network in place, these responders and officials get prioritized service and greater security, flexibility and reliability.

Tags: Public Safety Communications

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Planning for Police Body Cameras

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Today's law enforcement agencies are consistently faced with adopting new technologies in order to better serve and protect their communities. Here, we look at three ways that police body cameras have changed policing in participating departments, and what to look for if you’re incorporating police body cameras into your safety protocols.

Tags: Public Safety Communications

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All two-way radios sold or imported to the United States must abide by FCC regulations, according to an advisory issued this fall by the Federal Communications Commission. When it comes to VHF/UHG radios and FCC rules, here’s what you need to know to be compliant.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Digital Two-Way Radios

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With today’s speed of information and tech-savvy civilians, social media is not a passing trend. And now more than ever, law enforcement and social media are coming together to keep people safe, informed and enlightened about the role of law enforcement in our society.

Here are the many benefits law enforcement officers across the country are gaining by tweeting, posting, and sharing; along with the challenges in social media they’re learning to overcome.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Next Generation Public Safety, Safety Solutions, Social Media

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Emergency responder radio coverage in buildings is guaranteed by WiFi and cell coverage, right?


Our new video explores the importance of a dedicated distributed antenna system solution for first responders and why it’s so important for developers, architects and construction crews to work with public safety in mind from the very beginning.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Distributed Antenna System

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