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Chicomm Blog

How do you plan for the unimaginable?

An active intruder or shooter enters a school, manufacturing facility, or public safety building.

A tornado, flood, or other weather emergency rips through your town, creating havoc. 

All of these horrific events require a combination of planning and the right technology to make sure that facilities are safe.

Tags: Public Safety Communications, Back-Up Plan, Safety Solutions

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I’ve written on this subject before, but we had a recent incident in which the radio system did not work when they went to back it up. When we build these radio systems, unless not budgeted for, we put in some type of backup system to allow for the continued radio operation in case of a failure. Granted, the backup system may be as simple as a mobile radio with a power supply, but it is something to communicate to the end users that there is a problem with the system. Not only is the backup radio essential but some type of plan or Standard Operating Procedure should be written and followed. During a crisis or emergency, the last thing you need to be thinking about is “What do I do now!”. Instead, having a documented plan in a place is key to a good emergency plan.

Tags: Chicago Communications, Tech Talk, Back-Up Plan

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Tom's Tech Talk (#7): Ready for the Next Emergency?!

With the recent weather-related incidents happening around the US and the world for that matter, now is a good time to assess your backup plan for communications. When developing a backup communications plan, you have to consider what type of an emergency you are planning for. It's usually:

1) Your radio system is impaired and you need an alternate method of
2) You have to evacuate your facility leaving the equipment intact and
3) You have an incident which has completely taken out your building,
equipment or tower and you have to relocate.

Tags: Tech Talk, Back-Up Plan, Safety Solutions

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