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Chicomm Blog

Best of 2022: Top Five Communications Technologies and Solutions Blogs

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Chicago-Communications-Top-Blogs-of-2022Between supply chain delays, labor shortages, and adapting to a more virtual-based work environment, 2022 was a challenging year for businesses and organizations, ranging from manufacturing to healthcare to hospitality. With all that going, you may well have missed a few Chicago Communications blogs, including reader favorites looking at video surveillance, commercial radio systems, avoiding battery issues, and tips for pairing your two-way radio with a Bluetooth headset.

Read below to catch up on or to refresh your understanding of these important communications technologies and solutions. Here are 5 of our top blog posts for 2022: 


#5 Dead Zones Be Gone! Commercial Radio Systems Tie Buildings Together

Not being able to communicate between buildings or campuses can impact staff safety, productivity, and the bottom line. Digital two-way radios provide instant, rugged, secure, and high-performing communication that helps increase productivity, improve resolution time, and protect workers. In this post, we discuss two-way commercial radio systems that have cutting-edge technology to serve each industry in vital ways.

#4 Smart Data Analytics: A Game Changer in Video Surveillance

Does your staff spend too much time watching video surveillance footage? Do they have a hard time spotting safety issues? If you answered yes, it may be time to update your video surveillance system. In this post, we walk you through the advances in video surveillance technology that are helping organizations stay safe.

#3 Too Good To Be True? Avoiding Battery Issues in an Age of Scarcity

Two-way radios are essential for reliable and seamless communication, but this equipment doesn’t work without a battery. Nine times out of 10 when you can't get that radio to work the way it should, it's because there's an issue with the battery. In this post, we discuss what we’ve discovered while helping our customers keep their communication equipment in top shape.

#2 Unified Communications for a Rapid Response from the Right People

What good is intelligence if it can't be shared? That is the principle underlying the idea of unified communication. In this post, we share what unified communication is and how it applies to different sectors.

#1 Tips for Pairing Your Two-Way Radio with a Bluetooth Headset

Pairing your two‑way radio with a Bluetooth headset is a great idea if you want to communicate untethered and hands‑free. And it can’t be that hard, right? Well, it's not always easy, either. In this post, we've put together tips, tricks, and background information that has helped our customers pair their two-way radio with a Bluetooth accessory. 

We’re Here to Help

These most-read blogs of 2022 are just the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.” You can find a lot more information, more resources, and more solutions featuring new products and services on the Chicago Communications Blog, with new articles appearing every month. 

And we are always here to help. To get a free estimate on the best communications solution for your business, contact Chicago Communications.