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Chicomm Blog

Choosing the Right Handheld Two-Way Radio

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Friday, April 21, 2017

Adwords Radio.jpgShopping for a handheld two-way radio is a little like shopping for a car: There are plenty of models to choose from, the number of features increases with price, and going with a dealer you trust can be as important as what you buy.

To help you make the most informed decision for your agency, campus or team, here are some tips for choosing the right handheld two-way radio.

Don’t Get Blinded by Sticker Shock

When you start looking at two-way radios, put aside your price concerns and shop for what you need. Because if you shop solely on price, you’ll end up spending more in the long run on a product that doesn’t adequately address your communications issues. This includes understanding which of the radio frequencies to use as well as specific two-way radio features, such as push to talk, what two-way radio range you need, and whether they're needed for your line of work.

Solid, high-quality, dependable two way radios are more expensive and: they last longer, require less maintenance and have access to the most sophisticated features and functionality. Higher quality solutions are more likely to meet your two-way radio communication needs and provide scalability for growth in the future. 

Be Resourceful with Your Resources

If you’ve chosen a top-of-the-line radio that’s absolutely out of your price range, don’t give up, and keep these options in mind:

  • Trade in your current radios for an upgrade: As with cars, many radio dealers will offer savings in exchange for your aging fleet.
  • Plan ahead: You may not be able to afford the upfront cost of that handheld two-way radio now, but if you plan far enough into the future and let your procurement department know of your plans, you can get the money set aside in the future.  

Choose a Retailer You Trust

You’re going to rely on your two-way radio for years to come, with service and maintenance requirements along the way, so your partnership with your retailer needs to be a good one. If you choose a knowledgeable radio dealer with its own in-house service reps, you get the benefit of one-stop-shopping. 

To learn more about creating and maintaining a successful two-way radios system, contact Chicago Communications to set up a free consultation.