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Chicomm Blog

Cell Phone Security Issues You Won’t Find with Two-Way Radios

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Wednesday, May 2, 2018

cell-phone-security-issues-you-wont-find-with-two-way-radiosCell phone security, once an issue that few consumers or professionals ever had to consider, is now a real threat as more of us use phones for everything from personal banking to accessing work email and information.

Cell phones and other personal devices account for an outsized number of workplace security breaches, a vulnerability that can be avoided by switching to two-way radios.

Cell phone security issues that don't exist with two-way radios are yet another reason to make the switch.

Public vs. Private Networks

The biggest cell phone security issue is the technology’s reliance on public networks that have unknown encryption for voice communications. And when accessing WiFi in public, few cell phone users, even those accessing work information, think to use a virtual private network (VPN) and may not be required to do so by their employer.

With digital two-way radios, the communications networks are private and have additional privacy and encryption options available.

Malware and Third-party Apps

Cell phone users love having not only the latest devices and gadgets but also the latest applications, a fact that the makers of malware and other damaging software use to their advantage. Apps downloaded from third-party sources and not from trusted app stores put devices at risk.

Two-way radio applications are built with device and data security in mind and are often developed in tandem with radio manufacturers.

Lack of Safety Features

In addition to cell phone security as it relates to data, there’s also the issue of keeping users themselves safe from harm.

Two-way radios have built-in and optional safety features including lone worker, man down and enhanced encryption.  

For mobile workers, the U.S. Department of Transportation prohibits the use of cell phones while driving, while two-way radios can also be safely used on the road.

Protecting Data and People

Cell phone security isn’t impossible, but it does require a level of education and vigilance that users – even those in workplaces – don’t have. That's why having the right secure communications equipment and policies in place are key. The built-in security features of two-way radios are unmatched, giving users better peace of mind that their privacy and safety are being protected.