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Chicomm Blog

The Biggest Myth About Two-Way Radio Applications

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Thursday, November 12, 2015

If you look at your smartphone right now, how customized is it to your liking as compared to when you took it out of the box? Chances are you two way radio applicationshave installed countless applications on your device, ranging from weather apps, sports news, games, and social media. The majority of these applications didn’t come out of the box with your phone, but now that you have them, your experience is more tailored.

This is exactly how it is with digital two-way radios, too. While the device itself is incredibly useful and powerful, technology today is not about a “one size fits all” approach. It is now about using powerful hardware and software to get the job done, but relying on custom applications to really streamline the process - and provide an even better user experience.

Even with the rate of which we all download and use mobile apps on our personal devices, there are many two-way radio users who simply turn on the radio and move forward without ever considering adding on an custom application or two. Again, two-way radios don’t need apps to be useful, but they need them to be customized.

We’ve learned that one of the biggest reasons more radio users don’t seek out applications is simply because they don’t know enough about them, or, they buy into myths about apps. So what is the biggest myth about two-way radio applications?

Myth: I don’t need applications, I just need my radio.

There are many scenarios where a user simply only needs to be able to communicate with someone else, not much else is needed. However, it is far more common for people to use radios throughout their entire workday, and applications can help streamline their daily tasks. Remember, your smartphone is great on it’s own out of the box, but consider all of the applications you’ve installed.

There are all kinds of great apps you can use - ranging from manufacturing and public safety to healthcare and education. You can use them to improve productivity, enhance security, and even reduce response times. 

MOTOTRBO applications span a variety of use-cases, but range from GPS tracking to alarm monitoring to SMS communication (texting). Here are just some of the areas data applications can help in:

  • Fleet Management
  • Dispatch Console
  • Work-Order Management
  • System Management
  • Alarm Management
  • Personnel Tracking
  • Email/Text Gateway
  • Interoperability

If you want to know about how you can use these apps, you can read this post. 

When it comes down to it, digital two-way radios are incredible stand-alone tools. But, if you are looking to more effectively use your devices, and you want to learn more about applications for two-way radios, contact Chicago Communications today for a free consultation.