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Chicomm Blog

Should I Buy New or Keep My Existing Equipment Going?

Posted by Jill McNamara on Thursday, August 25, 2011

 Tom's Tech TalkTom's Tech Talk (#1): What's Your Communication Solution?

    It’s a good question that we all ask ourselves at one time or another. For those of you who have been hit with the ever shrinking budgets and economy, it is time to reflect on what’s it really costing me now to keep my radio equipment going or should I invest in replacement. Unfortunately there is no one simple answer as we all have different needs and resources.

     What I will tell you is to plan. We have helped more customers by advising them in current and future communications trends. This leads to implementing 1 year, 3 year, 5 year and 10 year communications plans to balance your buying power and provide the knowledge to keep your company or department on current trends within the communications arena.

     At Chicago Communications we are solution driven and not sales driven. Each of our Sales and Service representatives are here to assist you and help you make the best choice in providing radio or 911 equipment. We take pride in reviewing your communications systems, analyzing your needs and ultimately delivering a system or plan that will allow you to utilize the money you have to best implement a solution that works for you.

     Do we always win?! Unfortunately not, but what we do try to do is to build a relationship and understand your needs. Whether it is a service contract to keep you going through the tough times with your current equipment or proposing a new system because your current system has let technology pass it by, we want to work to develop a relationship and advise you on solutions that work for you.


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Tom TreichlerThis article was written by Tom Treichler, Director of Sales & Service at Chicago Communications. Tom has over 30 years of experience in the industry with a background in engineering, system integration, and wireless broadband. If you have any questions for Tom, or another representative at ChiComm, please contact us.