The moment your assembly line stops, profitability goes down. Even a small pause in work can cause delays throughout the chain, which in turn causes losses. This is why manufacturing managers across the world spend much of their time researching and implementing new ways to limit downtime and improve efficiency.
One of the best ways that manufacturers are improving their efficiency is by improving their communications through the use of digital two-way radios. To illustrate how these radios can make such a difference, here are two scenarios - the first one without two-way radios, the second one with.
Scenario #1: Without Two-Way Radios
An electronic switch on the machine shorts out. The operator realizes this and shuts down the line and goes in search of the supervisor. Due to the size of the factory, it takes the operator some time to find the supervisor. The supervisor then heads to the PA system where he makes an announcement asking for the maintenance team to head his way. Unfortunately, the maintenance team is busy finishing up a repair and don’t hear the page over the roar of the machines.
This creates a waiting game for the operator - he waits for the supervisor to track down the maintenance team and bring them over.
Scenario #2: With Two-Way Radios
An electronic switch on the machine shorts out. The operator realizes this and shuts down the line and quickly uses his push-to-talk (PTT) feature on his two-way radio to notify his supervisor. The supervisor receives the alert immediately and uses his PTT radio to reach out to the maintenance team, who have no issues hearing the request thanks to the noise-cancelling technology of the radio system.
The switch is repaired within minutes. See the difference?
When manufacturing managers are looking for solutions to improve efficiency, they often side with two-way radios fairly quickly. This is because they offer loads of great benefits and features, like the noise-cancelling technology referenced above or the ability to integrate third-party applications.
When we talk with those in the manufacturing industry, here are some of the two-way radio benefits they mention most:
Noise-cancelling technology - they can hear workers and supervisors throughout the plant, even when they are near a running machine. This streamlines communication since it removes the need to repeat what you say or have to pause and move to a new location.
Long-lasting battery life - for workers who are in the factory for a long shift, this is vital to their communication. They can’t afford to have a radio die on them mid-shift, so they love the all-day battery in a two-way radio.
Durable, rugged design - factories are intense, so manufacturers appreciate a rugged design that will still work properly in high heat situations, or, when a worker drops the radio from a high level.
Extended network capabilities - if working in a large factory, they are often lots of areas that your calls or communications can be dropped/disrupted by static. Not with two-way radios - they clear up communication and connect to a signal all throughout your structure.