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Chicomm Blog

Is Digital the New Norm? Data Circuits Vs. Telephone Lines

Posted by Jill McNamara on Friday, September 16, 2011
two way radiosTom's Tech Talk (#4): Data Paths Are Re-shaping Connectivity

As we migrate to a more digital universe, as I’ve indicated in my previous Tech Talks, Radio is usually slower to follow. What should be recognized is preplanning for systems. Just as telephone systems are changing out from Analog to Digital, so are radios. With this migration, we see implementations from Villages and corporations to provide network connectivity between buildings or facilities, whether on a campus or miles apart, data paths are reshaping connectivity.

While we have always relied on the telephone company to provide our wide area connectivity, solutions like fiber and wireless links contain a larger up front cost, but a greater return on investment. With these paths we can achieve huge bandwidths that allow us to carry voice, data and video.

Recently on a visit to a municipality, they talked about relocating to a new building. Their current technology for connectivity was with the phone company using telephone lines. Their new connectivity was Point to Point wireless links. These provided us with the ability to connect their legacy radio system to their new dispatch center.

Their preplanning of wide area connectivity allowed for future cost savings. As you move forward with your plans to implement data, engage companies such as Chicago Communications to help in assessing future needs.


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  Tom TreichlerThis article was written by Tom Treichler, Director of Sales & Service at Chicago Communications. Tom has over 30 years of experience in the industry with a background in engineering and system integration. If you have any questions for Tom, or another representative at ChiComm, please contact us.