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Chicomm Blog

Employee Spotlight: Lisa MacGillivray

Posted by Chicago Communications on Tuesday, October 6, 2020

As the Marketing Director at Chicago Communications, Lisa MacGillivray is responsible forLisa MacGillivray Marketing Director Chicago Comm building the company's brand. That includes managing everything from advertising to ChiComm's website and social media pages. In the end, her goal is to make sure future customers know what ChiComm has to offer.

"My job is always evolving, that’s my favorite part," she says. "Marketing teams today have to be content creators, website designers, and Google algorithm experts. The communication industry is also changing quickly. We now have digital two‑way radios, radios with WiFi capability, and radios with nationwide coverage."

Lisa's ability to keep pace with ever‑expanding technology and communication devices is exactly what makes her so good at her job. She's kept her finger on the pulse of communication needs and solutions for more than 12 years at ChiComm—and for several years at Maytag International before that.

A Sales Background

Lisa earned a BA in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin and an MBA with a marketing focus from Keller Graduate School of Management. 

While her credentials give her plenty of clout in the world of marketing, Lisa's work at ChiComm began because of a referral from her professional network. Marc Eltoft, who has deep industry experience producing sales collateral for Motorola Channel Partners, got in touch with Lisa when he found out ChiComm was hiring a marketing director. She was working at a signage company at the time. The rest is history.

A Day in the Life of a Marketing Director

There's no such thing as a routine workday when you wear as many hats as Lisa. She answers all website inquiries, sends emails to prospects and customers, and even answers questions online as one of ChiComm's live chat agents. 

One of her most satisfying moments to date was when she completely updated the ChiComm website two years ago.

"It was months and months of work, but when it was finished we had a brand new website with a fresh look, easier navigation, and a responsive design," she says.

Even now, Lisa spends hours keeping the website up to date. She often adds new product information, videos, and sales offers. She also posts communication industry news and tips on ChiComm's Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages each day.

"You can get a lot of good industry information if you follow our social media accounts," she says. 

A Satisfying Place to Work

Lisa enjoys working with people who have been involved in the communications industry for as long as 30 years. In her eyes, this collective experience is what makes ChiComm a true "expert in communication." 

She adds, "ChiComm is able to come in and analyze the problem, engineer a cost‑effective solution, install the equipment, and maintain it for the life of the system. Not many companies can do all four and do them all well."

As the Marketing Director, Lisa gets a unique bird's‑eye view of each customer's journey from learning about their equipment solutions to building a relationship with their sales contact at ChiComm. This deep involvement in customer communications and education adds satisfaction to her job.

Of course, even a meaningful career isn't everything. Lisa also enjoys spending time with the people she loves.

"Life’s a little different now with the pandemic. Pre-COVID, I enjoyed going out to dinner with my husband or having brunch with my friends," she says. "I liked going to the movies and sporting events. I’m a big football fan. Now it’s takeout with family and movies at home."

And no matter where her work takes her, there are three things Lisa can't live without: "My family and friends, my phone, and the Green Bay Packers!"