And 15 Reasons Why They Should!
Let's start with the reasons why users aren't buying into the digital world of radio. Here are the 4 excuses heard the most:
1. Adversity to Change: People will say "Analog radios will always be around" or "I’ve always used XYZ radio and I will keep purchasing that brand"-because it's what they're used to and what they know.
2. It's Not Within Reach: This is probably the most common reason. Until recently, proposed systems have been outside of their budget or the cost difference can't be justified even though the radios have great features.
3. "We Don’t Need Digital": Still others out there think, "Analog gets the job done. I like the quality and benefits of digital, but it's not necessary."
4. Migration Path Unknown/ Misunderstood: Another reason people hesitate is because they think digital and analog will not work together. In their minds, it doesn't make sense to replace all of the radios and make a complete transition to digital at the time.
But truth be told, there's a counter argument for each one of those reasons. There is a need for digital in this world that's seen all around us (smartphones, companies going 'paper-less', e-mail, the cloud, etc.) So resisting the change is something we ask you to reconsider, because digital isn't a fad, it's the way of the future. A future as close as tomorrow.

There are solutions for those worried about cost as well. Certain models of digital radios now available are very close in price to their analog competition; some even cost less depending on the model. Digital can improve where analog has trouble, plus the features and applications digital adds are enough to enhance a whole business' operations. Because the better a team communicates, the more efficiently it operates.
But many still think analog is good enough. In today's world we're hearing that: 'Good Enough' is No Longer Good Enough. Let's compare some of the challenges of analog vs. digital.
The Challenges of Analog:
Call quality: Inconsistent performance, intermittent transmission, Missed calls, Random chatter, Static, Interference, Background noise, Distorted voice
Digital offers: Optimized voice transmit; Digital applies error correction to eliminate noise and static to only deliver the intended voice message to be heard crisp and clear;
Benefits of Digital:
- Reliable communications
- Hear what is said from farther range
- Hear and be heard – crisply and clearly
- Stop repeating messages – increase efficiency
- Keep focused – eliminate distractions
- Reduce missed calls
Privacy: No control over who hears what is said on a channel;
Digital Offers: Real privacy -- digital encoding and scrambling makes it harder for others to listen in on a frequency. Plus Call management – digital radios each have a unique ID, enabling users to be able to select who they need to call without disturbing others.
Benefits of Digital:
- Control over who hears you
- Maintain security
- Only hear what’s intended for you
- Place a call to one person instead of the entire group
- Know who calls you
Battery: Poor battery life performance
Digital offers: Operate up to 40% longer because of TDMA protocol
Benefits of Digital:
- Radio lasts throughout a long day
- Less batteries required on the job
- Able to use batteries longer with fewer charges required
- Comfortable to wear
With each challenge analog brings, digital offers several reasons why it can be a better solution.
This article was put together using information provided by Vertex Standard. Vertex recently introduced a new line of digital radios, called 'eVerge'. To take the eVerge radios for a spin, watch this video.