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Chicomm Blog

Radios in the Education Sector: Stay Connected, Informed, and Safe

Posted by Lisa MacGillivray on Wednesday, March 25, 2015

For school campuses to run safely and efficiently, communication is incredibly important. While aconnected administration can lead to a better learning environment for students, it can also help in the case of emergency preparedness. This is why leveraging technologies like radio communication is such a great idea for those in the education sector, specifically the IT and administration areas: it helps everywhere. 

Whether you are looking to improve student safety, emergency response procedures, faculty communication, or any other element of your campus, implementing a radio communication strategy will help keep your entire campus stay connected, informed, and safe.  

Stay Connected 

True connection occurs when the school faculty can communicate with each other freely, regardless of their campus location. For example, when communicating with each other through cell phones, it is difficult to remain connected when your staff encounters various "dead spots" throughout campus (common areas include parking garages, boiler rooms, and even gymnasiums). These areas prevent your staff from communicating potentially important or urgent information in a timely manner. They are also simple inconveniences, which can cause conversations to be disrupted.  

By implementing a two-way radio communications solution, such as MotoTRBO, the entire faculty on your campus can remain connected regardless of the time of day or campus location. You can learn more here 

Stay Informed 

This is the next part of staying connected. By keeping your entire faculty informed, you ensure that each member of your staff is always equipped with the proper information in order to make a real-time decision. This is vital to emergency response time and procedures, and just issue response times in general.  

By using a campus communication solution like MotoTRBO, the risks of negative impacts are dramatically lowered. Whether something like a fire alarm simply disrupts the classroom experience, or more drastic, calls for an evacuation, the entire faculty needs to be using a communications solution that keeps them informed in real-time.  

Stay Safe 

When it comes to campuses, school safety is top priority (especially given recent events). Staying both connected and informed (as seen above) directly impact the safety of both students and faculty on school campuses, and unfortunately, safety threats do occur.  

When you implement a radio communications strategy that uses MotoTRBO solutions, you are able to start considering a variety of applications that assist you in creating a safety-first campus environment, including notifications sent directly to your radio when a security threat occurs.  

Again, the best campuses are built on firm communications strategy. This may include adopting a new technology or radio solution, but the benefits far outweigh the costs. To learn more about keeping your campus connected, informed, and safe, contact us today.  

  Why two way radios are better than cell phones